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Your Employees May Accidently Be Mishandling Your Company Data

While it?s good for a company to have trust in their employees, turning a blind eye to their practices may result in the mishandling of sensitive business data. According to a recent survey by MediaPro, nearly 90% of employees lack the proper security and privacy knowledge needed to successfully manage a business. A majority of employees see themselves as a novice when it comes to security issues, and are unsure of the proper way to identify and dispose of potential threats. What might cause an employee to mishandle a company?s information? Another study by CEB suggests that convenience might be a major cause. Roughly two thirds of the study participants admitted that they regularly send company data to personal email addresses so they may be able to work from home. While an email from work might seem like a secure connection, there are a multitude of different threats that can lurk outside your company?s network. Employee leniency of security issues may stem from a more wide-spread reliance on cloud-based solutions and mobile device use for work. Employees may believe that the software or device they are using is secure, when in reality there are plenty of opportunities to leak data. Something as simple as connecting to a public Wi-Fi on a mobile device could lead to major data loss. There are a few ways companies can help strengthen employee security protocol. Provide your employees with education on digital security and how to keep company data. Frequent surveillance of employee security practices can help find any potential areas of data leakage, and can help a company develop a comprehensive set of security protocols. If you are worried about whether or not your employees are keeping your data safe, contact Info Advantage today at (585) 254-8710 and let us help. Our qualified staff will survey your current security system and make suggestions based on your company?s needs and goals.

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