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BYOD Security and What You Need to Know

As more people gain access to their own smart devices, the environment is changing around the globe. The vast adaptation of the mobile device has allowed individuals to stay connected at any time, and the world is shifting to accommodate the newest wave of technology. For companies, this means the ability to do business anywhere at any time, especially when paired with cloud capabilities. Bring your own device (BYOD) allows businesses to stay connected to their work without having to physically be in the office, making it a popular option for modern businesses. However, with a BYOD policy comes some risk. Here are all the things you should be aware of when considering a BYOD policy. Data Leaks One of the major issues that many companies have with BYOD policies is the real possibility of data leaks. With a secured, physical workstation, it?s easy to closely monitor all activity going in and out of your network. However, most handheld devices don?t have anything near the amount of security found at a typical workplace. This means that the device won?t be connected to the company firewall and security programs the second they leave the office. This can leave your data vulnerable if they plan to do work in a public place.   Lost Devices One of the issues that comes with the convenience of mobile devices is the ability to lose them, a problem that had previously not been an issue with the physical workstations. When a device is lost, there is a chance that it could end up into the hands of someone who will use the data to gain something, such as money through extortion or valuable information. You?ll want to make sure that any device that carries sensitive information can be remotely wiped, and that they all have some fort of PIN or password for protection.   Malicious Software and Hackers Since mobile devices don?t have as much security as your typical workstation, many lack the proper data encryption to keep all the information secure. This can often result in issues with hackers, who may lurk at public Wi-Fi spots to root out sensitive information. This also leaves the open to viruses, which are a major issue with BYOD policies. If an employee wants to bring their own device, you?ll want to make sure they understand the risk not only for your company, but for their personal lives as well. Want to implement BYOD but you aren?t sure what security measure you will need to keep your company data away from prying eyes? Contact our Info Advantage today at (585) 254-8710 to learn more about how you can get technology to work for you.  

CNN: Stop Charging Your Phone in Public

When you’re on the go or traveling, your cellphone may be your one connection to the rest of the world. People often conduct business from their phone, use it to keep in contact with important people, and even to instantly look up solutions to everyday problems. When a cellphone’s charge starts to get low, it can cause a moment of panic as your connectivity is threatened. You run for the nearest outlet, plugging your phone in with a sigh of relief as it begins to charge. However, experts are now saying that you may want to think twice before blinding plugging your device into a public outlet. According to CNN, public charging ports have become a major target for hackers looking to steal information from a connected device. These cyber criminals will hack into the public outlet, allowing them to send and recieve information through the charging cord. This means that a hacker can potentially gain access to your calls, text messages, emails, photos, contacts, and even your personal information. Typically, hackers target public charging stations found in airports, conference centers, and parks. This allows them to potentially gain access to thousands of devices a day with minimal effort.  So what can you do to protect your phone from a hacked charging station? Experts say to avoid them entirely and only charge your devices at trusted locations. If you’re unable to go that long without a charge, invest in a rechargable battery pack, which will protect your data from being fed directly into a hacker’s hand. Click Here to Read the Full Article on CNN

Proactive Cyber-Security: How to Stop Data Breaches Before They Happen

These days you can?t go anywhere on the Internet without hearing about some sort of data breach. With cyber-attacks on the rise, many companies are trying a new approach to data security; proactive security plans. These plans focus on preventing data breaches, rather than reacting to an attack as it happens. Understand the Threats Knowledge is one of the most important tools used to fight against data breaches. Before you?re able to work towards creating a system that prevents cyber-attacks, you need to make sure that everyone involved knows what threats they are dealing with. Companies should take the time to review the different attack types that are common in their particular industry, and should have a meeting with whoever handles their IT at least twice a year to make sure they are up-to-date on the newest threats. Map Out Your Protection After you create your list of major attack types you want to look out for, you will need to map out your company?s technology environment to see how these attacks could threaten each individual piece. This includes any device that connects to the Internet, what services are currently protecting those devices, and the type of data they have access to. This will give you a better picture of what areas need more attention. Create a Security Baseline Once you get a better understanding of the current threats and how they apply to your IT environment, it?s time to create a baseline for your company security. This can be done by creating a variety of different real-life scenarios, and testing them out on your current network. This will help you to discover the strengths and weaknesses of your network. Once you have your system mapped out, it?s time to implement your security plan. These plans will allow you to focus on preventing things that cause data leaks or downtime, rather than reacting to issues as they come along. This will lead to an increase of productivity and efficiency. If you?re looking to buff up your security, don?t wait any longer! Call Info Advantage at (585) 254-8710 to speak to a security professional about how you can prevent potential cyber-attacks.  

RAM Prices Are on the Rise, and Won’t Be Getting Better Any Time Soon

The price of desktop RAM has been on the rise in the last few months, and experts believe the trend won?t be stopping any time soon. According to a blog post by Newegg Business, RAM prices have been on the rise since June 2016. Newegg reported that prices jumped up 20-30% over the summer, affecting all desktop memory brands. Since then, prices have continued to gradually climb as supply fell just below the level of demand. So how much is the cost of RAM rising by? According to PC Part Picker?s pricing history, a 2 x 8GB kit of G.Skill DDR4-2400 RAM cost about $75 at Newegg back in November. At the time, they were the lowest price available. Now, over three months later, the same system can be found on Newegg for $111. These trends have shown persistent for nearly all types of RAM, no matter the make or manufacturer. There are a few factors that can be blamed for the increase in RAM pricing. One of the major reasons for the price change is the industry shift to DRAM chips for mobile devices, which have been on the rise as smartphones continue advance in technology. According to Nanya Technology president Pei-Ing Lee in an interview with DigiTimes, higher demand for DRAM chips have pushed up both price and production levels. The sudden increase of demand pushed manufacturers to focus their efforts on DRAM production, placing server and desktop memory production on the back burner. Lee believes this is a trend that will continue throughout 2017, with prices stabilizing by the third quarter (July through September.) However, prices are not expected to go back down any time soon. That means if you?re looking to buy RAM for a new system, or were looking to upgrade your current system, now is the time to buy. Prices are expected to steadily rise in the next few weeks, and demand will only continue to swell as consumers look for the newest in mobile technology. Looking to upgrade your current RAM but not entirely sure what you need? Contact Info Advantage at (585) 254-8710 today to speak with technology professionals who can help you figure out exactly what your system needs, and at the right price.

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