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Cybersecurity Considerations

Get ready for October! Cybersecurity Awareness Month is quickly approaching and we want to bring you some key considerations. Did you know that the average reported cyberattack cost among small businesses (fewer than 250 employees) in 2021 was roughly $25,600? Hiscox, an insurance provider, shared that number in a recent report and noted that that amount could be enough to shut down many small businesses. Why is that important? Well, cyber insurance is a major option that businesses can and should utilize to help protect against losses resulting from cyberattacks. But, according to that same Hiscox report, only 41% of the businesses they surveyed carry some form of cyber insurance, leaving them vulnerable to the devasting financial consequences of a cyberattack. It’s not just small or medium sized businesses that are at risk. Fortinet reported that a breach to Sony?s PlayStation Network in 2011 exposed the data of 77 million users and cost Sony over $171 million that could have been covered by cyber insurance, if they had had a policy that is. This added security layer can offer broad coverages to help protect businesses from various technology-related risks. Protecting your business with the right policy allows you to respond quickly after a data breach or cyberattack. The following instances are a few that were identified by The Hartford as occasions when coverage can help your business: When a business? computers get a virus that exposes private, sensitive information. When your business is sued by customers or patients after losing personally identifiable information or personal health information. When you face high public relations costs to help protect your business? reputation after a data breach. So, what should a cyber insurance policy cover? When looking for cyber insurance, you want to ensure that your business is protected from data breaches, cyberattacks, attacks on your data held by vendors and third parties, attacks that occur anywhere in the world, and terrorist attacks.  Now that you know what cyber insurance is and what it should cover, you should know that it?s important that your business have the proper protocols and systems in place in order for you to qualify for an insurance policy. Cybersecurity solutions like endpoint security, multi-factor authentication, compliance, threat management, and network security are just a few of the things insurance companies will be looking for when you attempt to gain a cyber insurance policy! At Info Advantage, we know that dedication to the prevention of data loss and other business technology disasters before they happen is key. Your cybersecurity is our priority; we?re committed to protecting your business, your staff, and your customers. Ready to schedule a discussion? We’re ready to help. Stay tuned for more cybersecurity insights for Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

Back To School Season

Technology can help transform a classroom to facilitate the highest level of interaction between students, faculty, and administration. As education changes, schools need to change with it and the implementation of dynamic computing solutions can advanced a student?s education exponentially! The use of technology in education keeps improving every year and at Info Advantage, we believe that the more that educators depend on technology solutions to provide their students with a quality education, the more cost-effective support they will need. Ed Tech Magazine noted that the post-pandemic future of higher education will require institutions to prepare better for what lies ahead. A few of the trends that highlighted include: the rise of videoconferencing platforms, an increased use of augmented and virtual reality, the proliferation of outdoor Wi-Fi, and new ways to give remote exams. Each academic institution has unique challenges they face while attempting to provide their students with an education that they can use to become productive members of society. Educause highlighted the Top 10 Education IT Issues of 2022, acknowledging that developing a shared transformation vision and strategy that guides the digital transformation of educational institutions is an important first step. Info Advantage knows that students often benefit from a hands-on approach to learning, because of that we offer IT solutions that you can leverage to present powerful and interactive learning corridors. Teaching and learning is made easier through Info Advantage?s IT and bandwidth consulting, hardware and software procurement, IT support, and mobile device integration solutions. Digital learning tools in the classroom can increase student engagement, help teachers improve their lesson plans, and facilitate personalized learning, all while helping students build essential 21st-century skills. And, as we all know, knowledge is indispensable. Utilize today?s greatest technology solutions to education the professionals of tomorrow! With all types of hardware, software, networking, and other IT-related products, Info Advantage is your one-stop shop for all of your educational technology needs. At Info Advantage, our mission is to improve the overall effectiveness of our public and independent K-12, higher education, and library clients by providing information technology solutions that extend beyond the chalkboard. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your school leverage its IT assets into a dynamic workplace for your educators, as well as an equally dynamic learning environment for your students!