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Understanding The Power of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing. No longer a new concept, but one that may still be a relative unknown for small and medium-sized businesses. Which brings into light the question: What is Cloud Computing? In their ?Beginners Guide to Cloud Computing? Microsoft explains that Cloud Computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet (?the cloud?) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. Computing services can include anything from servers to storage to databases to networking to software and so much more. Insight from Foundry notes that 69% of companies have accelerated their cloud migration since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic; with an expectation that the percentage of companies with most or all of their IT infrastructure in the cloud will grow from 41% today to 63% in the next 18 months. With that in mind, here are a few of the Top Benefits of Cloud Computing for small and medium-sized businesses: Cost Effectiveness: Regardless of the service model you choose, you only pay for the resources you actually use. Avoid overbuilding or overprovisioning your data center and give your IT team back valuable time to focus on other work. Flexibility: Access the data you need anywhere and everything; cloud-based app can keep your offices connected to the communications systems you use between employees, clients, customer service, and suppliers. Reliability: Make data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity easier and less expensive as data is mirrored at multiple redundant sites on a cloud provider?s network. Scalability: Easily adjust the number of users with access to cloud applications; either up or down, and only pay for what you use without every having to worry about running out of capacity or adding unnecessary expenses. Info Advantage?s iaGuardianCloud has changed the way businesses communicate, collaborate, and budget their IT, providing a highly customizable, flexible, and scalable business solution. Using Info Advantage for your Cloud Computing needs allows your business to take what used to be a large capital expenditure and shift it to a nominal operating expense. Thus, allowing small and medium-sized businesses to no longer be limited to the infrastructure you can afford to manage in-house, but to start to see enterprise-class features and capabilities without seeing enterprise-class costs. At Info Advantage, we pride ourselves on providing fast and reliable IT solutions, 24x7x365, for your business users. No catch, no gimmick, just experience and best practices that we?ve honed over the years to make our services work for your business needs! Cloud Computing is the future of small and medium business technology that will save money and increase efficiency! Contact us today to learn how your business could benefit from Cloud Computing!

New Compliance Coming In June 2023

Coming this June, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will implement a new Safeguards Rule.The new guidelines will require organizations to develop, implement, and provide ongoing maintenance of security controls that are designed to protect client information such as Cybersecurity, Incident Response Plans, Risk Assessments, and more. The Safeguards Rule, which now has a compliance deadline of June 9th, requires non-banking financial institutions to develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive security program to keep their customers? information safe. At Info Advantage, we?re asking? is your business prepared for these new compliance requirements that start in June? Originally, the Safeguards Rule took effect in 2003, with a 2021 amendment that aimed to allow the Rule to keep pace with current technology, reflecting core data security principles that all covered companies need to implement.The FTC recently shared an article titled FTC Safeguards Rule: What Your Business Needs to Know and these were our major takeaways from that article: Information Security Programs need to have administrative, technical, and physical safeguards elements that are designed to protect customer information. The amended rule covers information about your own customers and information about customers of other financial institutions that have provided that data to you. The three main objectives of a company?s Information Security Program should be: To ensure security and confidentiality. To protect again anticipated threats or hazards. To protect against unauthorized access to private information. Long gone are the days where antivirus software and a firewall were enough. Today, businesses require fully managed cybersecurity solutions to protect all of their endpoints from both external and internal threats, helping them to meet industry compliances like HIPAA, PCI, DSS, SOX, and more. Info Advantage already specializes in this as part of our Security Services focus on Compliance, allowing you to meet and exceed industry compliances and get regular security compliance audits and evaluations. We aim to be the best at what we do, providing a level of service that is top notch. We stand by our best practices; training our talented team and providing them with the best tools in the industry to make sure they can provide you with the best services possible! Don?t wait to ensure that you have the proper security controls in place. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you meet compliance standards before the FTC deadline approaches!