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If you?re constantly on the go, you are going to need a laptop that can keep up with your busy schedule. Many business professionals find themselves in need mobile computing to accommodate with busy travel; to check their emails, go over notes, or even finish up sales presentations. However, laptop batteries can only last so long without needing a charge, and that isn?t always a readily available option. Here are some times on how to extend your laptop?s battery life so you don?t have to worry whether or not it?s going to run out while you?re out doing business.

Adjust your Display and System Settings

There are a multitude of display and system settings that can be adjusted to lengthen the life of your laptop?s battery. For example, you can reduce the display brightness, turn off the screensaver, and set the laptop to hibernate rather than just go to sleep. Hibernation mode will make sure that the computer is not consuming any power while it is not in use. You can also turn off the WiFi or Bluetooth setting when not in use to give yourself a few more minutes of battery life.

Check Your Power Settings

Today, many laptops come equipped with an option of power settings to help optimize the laptop?s life and performance. In Windows, the Power Plan setting allows you to choose between standard settings or customized plans. MacOS systems use what?s known as ?Energy Saver,? which will automatically adjust display or other system controls.

Don?t Overload Your Laptop

When you?re in a rush, it can be easy to leave up multiple tabs and applications for easy use. However, the time you save not closing out your apps will cost you in battery life. Having too many tabs open on your laptop?s browser can drain its power and slow down your productivity. Make sure you close all browser tabs and applications after you?re finished using them to save yourself more battery time.

Need an on-the-go laptop, but aren?t sure what features and specifications you want included? Contact the Info Advantage technology specialists at (585) 254-8710 today to talk about which model would be best for you and your business.