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When you’re running a business, having reliable IT support is not a luxury ? it?s a necessity. From data management to cybersecurity to equipment optimization, IT support plays an integral role in all aspects of your operations.

But how much does IT support cost for a small business in New York? The answer isn?t always straightforward, as there are several factors that can influence the price tag. Below, we?ll take a look at the different IT support options available and give you an idea of what you can expect to pay for each one.

IT Support

Self-managed IT support 

Many small businesses opt for self-managed IT support, as they assume it will be the most cost-effective option. And while it?s true that purchasing and managing your own hardware and software can be relatively inexpensive, there are some drawbacks to consider.

For starters, self-managed IT support requires you to have an in-house specialist or a team of experts who understand how to manage and troubleshoot your systems. This can be a costly investment, especially if you?re looking for professionals with extensive experience and qualifications. An IT support specialist in New York can have an annual salary ranging from $51,000 to $83,000.

Furthermore, managing your own systems also means you have to take responsibility for any updates or repairs that may be required. This could mean bringing in external help to complete tasks, such as system maintenance or dealing with security threats, which could quickly add up to an expensive bill.

Hourly IT support

Another option is to hire a professional on an hourly basis. This allows you to access the expertise of an IT support technician whenever you need it, without having to commit to a full-time salary or large contracts. It?s also ideal if you only require occasional help with specific tasks such as setting up a new software system or debugging a technical issue.

The cost of hourly IT support varies depending on the provider, but it typically ranges from $100 to $250 per hour. You could pay less for an inexperienced technician or more for one with specialized skills and qualifications.

The problem with this option is that it?s easy to lose track of the hours and costs involved. If your IT issues require more time than anticipated, you could find yourself spending more than you planned.

Managed IT services

If you?re looking for a more comprehensive IT support solution, managed IT services could be the way to go. This option involves outsourcing all of your IT needs to an external provider who takes on responsibility for managing and maintaining your systems.

Managed IT services can range from simple tasks, such as monitoring and patch management, to complex projects, such as network redesigns. Prices are typically based on the number of devices or users you need to support, with monthly plans starting from around $100 per user.

The benefit of this option is that you get access to a team of experienced professionals who can handle all your IT needs for an agreed-upon fee, so there are no surprises when it comes to costs. You also get access to the latest technology and insights on best practices, so you can be sure your business is running as efficiently as possible.

No matter which option you choose, it?s important to consider both the short- and long-term costs of IT support before making a decision. The right solution for your business will depend on how often you require help and the level of expertise you?re looking for. With this in mind, it pays to do your research and ensure you?re getting the most value for your money.

Ready to take the guesswork out of your IT support? Info Advantage?s team of seasoned professionals is ready to assist with your IT needs. Give us a call today to discuss your unique requirements and explore whether our managed services are the right fit for your business.