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With the holidays fast approaching, many consumers have been turning to their mobile devices to handle all of their holiday purchases. Online shopping is a quick and easy way to get everything you need for the season, without the hassle of having to go to crowded stores. However, there are more than a few risks involved with making transactions over the world wide web. With so many data breaches in the news this past year, many holiday shoppers are weary of making any online purchases. In order to combat this, we asked IT experts about the best ways to ensure your personal data is kept safe from cybercriminals. Here are a few easy tips to make your holiday shopping a little easier and a whole lot safer.


Double Check Links and URLs

Just because a site looks like one that you recognize and trust doesn’t mean it’s legitimate. Cybercriminals will often purchase domain names that are similar to popular sites such as Ebay or Amazon to try and trick consumers into releasing their information to them instead of the genuine site. Before entering any login or payment information, double check that the website URL is correct. Even one misplaced period can bring you to a malicious site. A good indication that the site is legitimate is to look for the address that starts with HTTPS, as the S stands for a secure connection, meaning your information will be safe. 


Avoid Shopping on Public Wifi Networks

While public WiFi might be great for checking the news or your social media sites, it can pose a threat to your data security. Public WiFi can be accessed by any one at any time, making it a prime place for hackers to lurk in search of sensitve data to steal. Many public WiFi spots have minimal security, making it easy for information to be leaked out. Instead of risking your data, save the online shopping for an internet connection that is secure, such as your home network. Double check that your connection is secure at home as well, or you may risk accidently giving out your information.


Stick With One Payment Method

While it may be tempting to spread your holiday purchases out amoung several payment methods, each new method gives cybercriminals more access points to your personal data. Using a secure payment system, such as Paypal, can help manage these payment methods through a secure network. These services act as a middle-man between consumers and vendors, making sure that the transaction runs smoothly with a secured connection. If you do not want to use a service such as Paypal, it’s advised that you keep all your spending on one card. This will isolate the risk of data loss to one account, making it easy to track. Choose an account with a good fraud system, and be sure to turn on account alerts to spot anything suspicious.


Make Sure Your Device is Up-to-Date

Cybercriminals will exploit any chance they get in order to steal your information, including vulnerabilities found in popular software applications. Keeping your computer and mobile device updated will ensure that your information is as secure as possible, as companys will often release what are known as patches. These patches are direct responses to any vulnerabilities or bugs that can be easily exploited by a hacker. Before making an online purchase, check to see that everything on your device has been updated to the latest version. This helps keep you safe from known security issues as they are discovered.

Online store fronts can make holiday shopping easy and quick, but it can also come with it’s own issues. If you’re worried about the potential leakage of personal or company information during the holidays, Info Advantage can help. Call us today at (585)254-8710 and let Info Advantage help keep your mind at ease this holiday season.