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Fruitfly: The First Apple Malware of 2017

One of the major arguments for die-hard Apple fans is that their devices are nearly invulnerable to the attacks that work their way into other operating systems, such as malware or viruses. While it is true that Apple has a much lower rate of malware infections, this does not make it impenetrable, and hackers are constantly looking for new ways to extort data. One newly discovered malware, known as Fruitfly, takes advantage of an antiquated code that allows it to run undetected on macOS systems. What is Fruitfly? Fruitfly is a newly discovered type of malware recently found by the team at Malwarebytes. While relatively harmless, this malware is able to hide inside of OS X without alerting the user of its presence. The malware communicates with two command-and-control servers, which allows it to perform actions such as typing, webcam and screen capture, and even moving and clicking the mouse. It can also map other devices and try to connect with them. Where did Fruitfly come from? There is a bit of mystery surrounding the origins of Fruitfly. According to Malwarebytes, Fruitfly may have been hiding in a OS X for several years, as much of its code indicates that it was adapted from OS X to Yosemite, making it at least three years old. However, there are also lines of code that rely on pre-OS X systems, and some open-source ?libjpeg? code, which hasn?t been updated since 1998. So far, most of the discovered instances of Fruitfly have been found on machines at biomedical research institutions. What can I do to protect my device? Luckily, it seems that most of the Fruitfly attacks are targeted, making them a minor threat to an everyday user. However, Apple has yet to release a patch against Fruitfly, so users should take caution and keep an eye out for any updates they release in the near future. One of the best ways to ensure that your device stays infection-free is through constant monitoring of your network. Keep an eye out for any irregularities, and don?t let anything go unreported. Worried that your network is in danger of malware infection? Not sure what to look for when monitoring your network? Contact Info Advantage today at (585) 254-8710 to talk to an IT professional about how to keep your devices safe from harmful attacks.

Do Your Employees Know What to Do During a Disaster?

Disasters can strike at any moment to anyone, with very little warning. While many businesses are prepared with their Business Continuity Plan (BCP,) many organizations may not take the time to fully explain their BCP to their employees, leaving them scrambling when a disaster does strike. Here are a few steps every business should take to ensure that their employees know exactly what to do in the event of a disaster. Plan Ahead For any plan to work, there needs to be proper preparation to ensure that everything runs smoothly. You want to give your employees a clear direction to follow in the case of a disaster, so they know exactly what to do the moment it happens. The best way to work through the execution of a BCP is to hold a meeting with all your employees to talk about what needs to be done, and who will do it. You want clearly defined roles and open lines of communication, so employees will know exactly what to do and who to contact in an emergency. Have the Proper Tools A plan can only work if you have the right tools to execute it. In the event that your business goes down, it can mean the inability to work and loss of important data. One way to avoid these issues is by hosting some or all of your business activities through a cloud service. These services will allow you and your employees to access important work documents from just about anywhere. This means that even if the office is down, employees will be able to set up their workstation from another location almost instantly. Investing in a cloud-based VoIP will allow any calls sent to a down phone line to be redirected to another location, such as the employee?s personal cellphone. Practice Your Plan When it comes to executing a BCP, practice makes perfect. Let your employees get a feel for the tools you have provided them so that they will know exactly what they are dealing with in the case of a disaster. This includes providing them training for any hardware or software they need to use, creating a sense of familiarity that will directly relate to a seamlessly executed BCP.  Take the time to review with each employee, and make sure they completely understand what needs to be done by them. Don?t wait until a disaster hits to worry about your business continuity plan. Contact Info Advantage today at (585) 254-8710 to speak to a professional about how you can ensure your business will run smoothly even when faced with a disaster.