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iaGuardianCloud – Hosted Cloud Solutions for Rochester New York Businesses

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Highly Customizable, Flexible, and Scalable Business Solutions

Cloud Computing

Reduce your overall IT footprint, hardware, and management costs by moving part or all of your IT infrastructure into the cloud.


Give your staff 24/7 access to the software they need, when and where they need it. Simplify how software gets deployed, updated, and even licensed.

Office 365

The gold-standard of business productivity apps, made available through the cloud. Enable your users to access files and collaborate from anywhere, on any device.

Hosted Exchange

Stop managing your own in-house email server. Hosted Microsoft Exchange gives you all of the capabilities you are used to, without the need to manage your own hardware.

iaGuardianCloud is changing the way Rochester businesses communicate, collaborate, and budget their IT.

“If someone asks me what cloud computing is, I try not to get bogged down with definitions. I tell them that, simply put, cloud computing is a better way to run your business.”

~Marc Bendoff

Founder and CEO of Salesforce

Cloud Computing is a Game Changer for Your Business

It’s easy for business owners to look at IT as a burden and as “just another” expense. Traditionally, new technology required significant investments in hardware and software, and every few years, that hardware needed to be replaced and the software needed to be upgraded. On top of that, businesses were stuck with the bill when the hardware needed to be fixed.

The cloud takes what used to be a large CAPEX (capital expenditure) and shifts it to a nominal OPEX (operating expense). It might sound like the same money is being shifted, bet let’s look at a real world example that we all recognized – Netflix.

If your family were to purchase a single movie to watch each week for a year, at $20 each, you’d be looking at spending $1040. A standard Netflix account costs around $156 per year, and can easily deliver more value for less.

The cloud not only reduces these large capital expenses, but it also gives your business the flexibility to scale up or down as needed. You are no longer limited to the infrastructure you can afford to manage in-house, which means small businesses start to see enterprise-class features and capabilities without seeing enterprise-class costs.

Let’s Talk About the Future of Your IT

Fill out the form below to schedule a no-obligation discussion about your company’s IT