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Call Us: (585) 254-8710

residential computer repair

Your One-Stop Shop for Your Technology Repair Needs.

Nowadays, you would be hard-pressed to find a household that doesn’t have some sort of new technology. From “smart” Internet of Things devices to Internet connections, technology is everywhere you look. At Info Advantage, we understand that daily life is increasingly dependent on technology, so when your technology malfunctions, you need to be able to trust the person repairing your IT. Look no further than Info Advantage for the comprehensive computer repair services you need to get your computer back up and running quickly.

Resolve Frustrating Technology Hiccups

Your technology may not be reliable, but at Info Advantage, your dedicated computer technician is.

No matter how user-friendly the manufacturers of a piece of technology claim it is, there will always be problems with it when trying to integrate it with another computing system. Unless you’re a trained technician, you may run into problems that you can’t resolve on your own. In these cases, it’s best to contact our professional technicians. Our staff has the knowledge and experience to maintain, repair, or set up any piece of technology, quickly, and affordably.

Secure Your Home PC

Do what you can to keep your browsing safe.

Even if all you use your computer for is browsing the Internet, you’re putting yourself and your family at risk if you don’t have protection. Our technicians can help equip your home computer with security solutions that are designed to prevent malware and viruses from infecting your PC. Firewalls and antivirus solutions are imperative if you want to keep your sensitive personally identifiable information secure. With our help, you can equip your home computer with comprehensive threat detection and management tools.

Have You Lost Your Files?

Be prepared for any emergency with backup.

Your home computer holds precious memories and files. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you lost them all due to a hacking attack or by simply making a mistake? You’d be surprised by how often electrical storms cause hardware failure, which can easily affect data retention in a negative way. At Info Advantage, we can provide you with the right data backup system you need to ensure that your photos, videos, and other files remain safe and recoverable in the event that they are somehow destroyed.

Don’t Wait Any Longer!

Get back to enjoying technology.

The more time you waste with your broken technology, the less value you get out of it in the long run. Wouldn’t it be better to just sit back and enjoy it – without worrying about whether or not it will break down in the future? To get started with preventative residential computer maintenance, or to resolve your current technology issues, reach out to the experts at Info Advantage.